Featured Resources
Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template
A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.
Hazard Assessment Guide
In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams
Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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SafetyLine Blog Categories
General Safety | Lone Worker Safety | SafetyLine News and Updates | SafetyLine Product Updates | Compliance, Policy, and Regulations | Downloadable Resources |
Cold Weather Safety for your Phone
Phones are more an essential part of many of our daily routines. For some of us, they’re essential tools we need to perform our jobs, and sometimes our only means of contact with anyone else.
Following all the Ghouls!
Whether you’re hunting for candy, scaring your neighbors, casting spells, or setting off fireworks, there are some things you can do to keep the curses to a minimum. We’ve put together a few important safety tips to help you navigate the dark and haunted streets this year!
10 Reasons Why You Need a Lone Worker System
Occupational dangers aren’t always obvious. Protective equipment can help prevent minor injuries, but for complex hazards, any amount of equipment can be inadequate. In this list we’ll look at some of the most important reasons that a lone worker system is essential in the workplace.
How to Get Results From Your Safety Audits
If you’re committed to safety in your workplace, it’s important to constantly revise your safety policies. The best way to ensure that your safety policies are effective is with a safety audit. In this article, we’ll review why audits are important to your company’s safety plans, and how you can successfully audit your workplace for safety.
The Workplace Benefits of First Aid Training
Not every job is dangerous, but every employer is responsible for the safety of their employees in the workplace. One of the best ways for employers to meet their legal and moral obligations to their employees is to provide first aid training to employees. Having employees trained provides benefits that aren’t always obvious.
Beat the Heat!
When summertime rolls around, it’s easy to forget that even the clearest weather and sunshine can create hazards when working outdoors. If you find yourself working alone outside, you’ll need to take extra precautions as any potential problems are made worse when you’re away from help.
Safety as an Investment
When you think about a safe business, you should think about more than safety as something you can provide for your workers at a cost to yourself. Safety, when done right, can make your workers safe and will make your business safer from a financial perspective. This transforms safety into a two-way street that has serious beneficial implications for your organization.
Lone Worker Safety: Monitoring Technologies
In the third part of our January Tech Check, we're looking at technologies available to protect lone workers. SafetyLine supports a variety of technologies, which means that you may have a tough decision when it comes to purchasing devices.
Real Estate Agent? You May Be At Risk!
You love your career as a real-estate agent - it comes with a lot of freedom and flexibility, and can be very financially rewarding. However, by the fact you may be working alone, you could be putting yourself at risk to having an accident without aid being notified immediately, or even violent attacks.
The Benefits of Software as a Service
Scalable technology has become more important than ever for small and medium sized businesses. In a global market, businesses need the ability to place employees anywhere at any time. To meet this demand, companies are increasingly turning to service providers and purchasing software as a service (SaaS) for their technology needs.
Signs of a Heart Attack and Heart Stroke in the Workplace: Do You Know the Warning Signs?
Every 7 minutes, someone in Canada dies from heart disease or stroke. If a co-worker was experiencing symptoms of a stroke or heart attack at a job site, would you be able to recognize the signs and take action?
Lone Worker Safety in the Oil & Gas Industry
Balancing lone worker safety and budget can seem like mixing oil and water, but it doesn't have to. In this article, we look at how oil and gas companies can keep their budget in check while keeping workers safe.
5 Ways to Jump-start a Safety Meeting
If you want a successful safety meeting, it’s important to get the attention of your staff early. The best way to engage an audience is to show them how your topic relates to themselves. When you’re talking about safety, the best way to get buy-in is to show your staff the repercussions of bad practices.
The 6 Categories of Lone Workers
Many companies don’t realize how many of their employees – whether on contract or work full-time – actually have some aspect of their job where they work alone. Working alone comes with it’s own unique set of hazards and challenges, so it’s important to be clear on the work alone definition and categories.
Will GPS Technology Keep Your Lone Workers Safe? Think Again
Satellite technologies have evolved to the point that nearly every smart device comes equipped with the ability to track and report GPS location. The workforce has picked up on this trend, and many employers today use satellite devices to track their workers and assets in remote areas.
Is Your Panic Button Putting You At Risk?
If you’re currently relying on a panic button for your personal safety, or if you’re thinking about investing in a panic button, you may want to think again. Is the reason you’re using a panic button because it’s the best way to keep safe, or is it because it’s what you’ve always used?
Protecting Lone Workers in the 21st Century
Lone workers have unique risks and hazards that are not always obvious, like poor access to communications or difficulty getting help during an emergency. In this article, we'll look at how lone worker safety technology is evolving in the 21st century.
Essential Tips for Avoiding Slips, Trips, and Falls in the Workplace
According to OSHA, slips trips and falls are second only to motor vehicles as a cause of fatalities, resulting in 15% of all accidental deaths. Read below for 6 tips that will help you avoid slips, trips, and falls in your workplace.
The Risks of Using Call Centres for Emergency Responses
When it comes to finding a safety solution for your workers, you have an important choice to make. One of the traditional methods for handling emergency responses is the traditional call centre, either internal or external. With a call centre comes the question of reliability, and the greatest question of all, “am I really safe?”
Why Doesn’t SafetyLine Check Me In Automatically?
Instead of using automatic check-ins, SafetyLine depends on workers to report their own safety. In this article, we’ll look at why SafetyLine uses a proactive check-in system instead of an automatic one.