Featured Resources
Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template
A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.
Hazard Assessment Guide
In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams
Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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General Safety | Lone Worker Safety | SafetyLine News and Updates | SafetyLine Product Updates | Compliance, Policy, and Regulations | Downloadable Resources |
5 Steps for Improving Your Hazard Assessments
With the criminal code in Canada revised to make companies or individuals criminally liable for not taking safety precautions, it is more important than ever to be aware of hazards in the workplace and to be scrupulous about hazard assessments. Don't risk unnecessary prosecution - here are 5 steps you can take to ensure your workplace hazard assessment is as comprehensive as possible.
Is Safety a Priority in Your Organization?
Safety is about more than just policies, equipment, and training. A safe work space should make safety a priority throughout the organization. In this article, we'll look creating the kind of safety culture that your employees will want to follow.
Office Safety: Designing a Safe and Functional Office
Ergonomic hazards can not only affect the worker: the employer can suffer slower productivity, lower morale in staff, and higher disability and insurance claims.
Lone Worker Motion Features are Here!
If your organization subscribes to use Motion Features, you’ll have access to three new functions that make use of a device’s internal accelerometer. These new features bring extra functionality and improved safety measures to the mobile app. These improved features include man down, fall detection, and shake for emergency, and have been engineered and designed based on your feedback.
5 Tips to Claim Your Workers Compensation
When you work for someone, you and your employer agree that you will receive wage replacement and medical benefits if an injury happens. In return, you give up your right to sue your employer for any negligence in the workplace. Workers' Compensation is something that is mandatory for every employee and here are some tips for how to claim it.
Communication Breakdown: GPS Tracking vs. Check-in Messages
One of the major considerations when deciding on a lone worker safety system is whether to opt for check-in based safety or automated reports using GPS. In this post we’ll break down some of the differences between check-in and GPS-based systems, and determine which solution provides better value.
Lone Workers up in Smoke
The province of BC is on fire, transforming the once idyllic landscape into a dry, dangerous region full of unseen risks. The combination of persistent smoke and a heatwave without an end in sight is one of the deadliest environmental combinations a lone worker can face
5 Safety Tips for Retailers Working Alone
Retail workers when they are working alone are classified under the work alone definition set by the Canadian government. Unlike typical retail workers, they face a unique and increased set of safety hazards that typical retail workers do not experience, including accidents without immediate aid, and being subjected to threats or even violence.
Does Safety Create a Productive and Safe Work Environment?
When it comes to investing in workplace safety, the perceived negative impact on productivity is a key concern. The truth is, a safe workplace is often a more productive and profitable one! In this article, we'll look at how safety and productivity go together in the workplace, and how safety can actually help your bottom line.
The Myth of Fleet Management Safety
Depending on the priorities of the company and the industry they are in, fleet management and lone worker monitoring systems are two important services that organizations should consider. However, many companies don’t realize the difference between a fleet management system and a lone worker monitoring system. This article will help you learn about those differences to help you decide what is best for your organization.
The Importance of Future-Proofing Your Technology
Future-proofing hard goods is easy – take the hard hat or googles you might wear to a construction site. It's likely they will wear out before advancements in technology make them obsolete. In this case, good construction is the best way to keep your equipment valuable into the future. Technology is a moving target, so choosing the right technology requires more strategy.
Keep Safety Simple: The Three Rs of Workplace Safety Monitoring
If you’ve done your homework, you know that there are a lot of considerations when it comes to safety monitoring in the workplace. You have to think about your employees, your equipment, your workplace, and the list goes on. In this article we’ll look at how you can keep safety simple, with the Three R’s of Workplace Safety Monitoring: Report, Respond, and Review.
Traditional vs Automated Work Alone Solutions
Many organizations implement safety monitoring systems for employees working alone. Unfortunately, the vast majority of systems may not be compliant with legislation and can be a wasteful drain on resources. In this article, we look at the differences between traditional and automated work-alone monitoring solutions.
Are You Aware of These 7 Types of Workplace Safety Hazards?
Workplace safety hazards exist in every environment, but how do you know which ones have the most potential to harm workers? By identifying hazards at your workplace, you will be better prepared to control or eliminate them and prevent accidents, injuries, property damage, and downtime.
The Hidden Pitfalls of Relying on the “Buddy System” for Safety
Whether it’s walking home after dark or working with the public, having someone you trust nearby can help keep you safe. Unfortunately, this can also lead to an overreliance on the buddy system when people are creating emergency response procedures. Here are some of the common pitfalls that people fall into when they rely too heavily on the buddy system in the workplace.
Who's Protecting the Protectors? (Part 1 of 3)
All security employers have the primary legal duty to protect the health and safety of their workers. However, it is a legal burden that is shared. Unfortunately, too many employers address this legal, ethical and moral responsibility only after an incident has occurred that caused harm or injury to a worker or the employer has been cited by WorkSafe BC for noncompliance with OHS Law.
5 Activities to Improve Your Next Safety Training
Studies have shown that training in the workplace has a positive impact on the safety practices of workers. That’s why it’s important that your workers are able to get the most out of your next safety meeting. Read on for 5 activities that can increase engagement during your next training.
How to Get “Safety First” Shoes for the Job
Nearly 25% of workplace harm is caused by accidents related to poor footwear, so making the right choice with shoes can save you a lot of grief. Here are some friendly suggestions for when it's time to purchase safety first shoes for work.
Responding to Emergencies in the Workplace
When it comes time to respond during an emergency, knowing what steps to take can be crucial. If an emergency happens in the workplace, it could be your responsibility to provide help. In this article, we’ll look at some of the ways you can help your employees during an emergency.
How to Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter
As you prepare for winter weather, it’s important to also get your vehicle ready. Making sure that your vehicle is ready for the cold can be a critical safety issue. In this article, we look at how you can prepare your vehicle for winter driving.