Featured Resources

Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template

A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.

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Hazard Assessment Guide

In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams

Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Lonely but Not Powerless: Embrace These Unique Times 

In the early days of working from home, it was great. But after the quick honeymoon period (about a month into the quarantine), there were times I desperately wished I had the privacy of my old office. I found that there were more disruptions at home, like our son crawling into my workspace while on a call or having to meet the Amazon delivery guy downstairs, that were breaking my train of thought – I know, first-world problems. One day, I texted a single friend to see how he was doing during the quarantine and working from home. He told me it was getting tough and he was lonely. I never thought of that way and it put my circumstances into serious perspective. I began asking questions like, “How are people finding that meaningful connection during quarantine?”

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

COVID-19 second wave: Are you ready? How a worker safety monitoring solution can prepare you

While it’s still somewhat debatable at the moment, increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases are showing us that a second wave of the virus may be imminent. The good news is that there may have been lessons learned from the first time, allowing us the privilege of hindsight to improve our tact, better protecting our workers and communities.

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Lone Worker Safety, Downloadable Resources SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety, Downloadable Resources SafetyLine Lone Worker

On a Tight Budget? Here’s how to Protect Your Lone Workers Without Breaking the Bank

This is the second article of a three-part series: Setting Up a Lone Worker Safety Program, we look at how a company can implement a lone worker safety program on a budget. These days, budgets are stretched thin and are uncertain, making it difficult to allocate funds for areas such as lone worker safety. But lone worker safety should be a priority when you look at the potential legal, reputational and financial costs if one of your lone workers, unfortunately, experiences an accident that could have been prevented or mitigated by the organization.

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What Does a Lone Worker Look Like?

In the picture above, can you spot out the lone worker? No? That’s because the lone worker comes from every background and demographic, looking like you and I.  This is the first article of a three-part series: Setting Up a Lone Worker Safety Program.  The profile of a lone worker has…

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Speaking Up to Your Team About Safety Culture

There is a threat existing in many workplaces around the world that most people do not know about. This hazard cannot be mitigated by safety harnesses or helmets, nor can it be prevented through diligent hand washing and face masks. This danger that pervades workplace safety in all industries and in all countries is silence. One of the biggest threats to your company’s well being is having a safety culture where your workers do not feel like they can speak up at work when it comes to their safety. These people understand your company’s safety issues better than anyone and it is in everybody’s best interests that they have a loud voice in this area.

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Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Safety and Key Elements to Successful Working Relationships with Remote Teams

Managing an entirely remote workforce is a phenomenon that many Canadian businesses would have never imagined being tasked with. However, the past few months have forced companies across Canada to adjust to new work-from-home environments. One of the most important drivers of workplace productivity is the network of working relationships within an organization. This article will breakdown the key components of fostering successful relationships with remote working teams.

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Should you leave your remote workers alone?

With all of the things going on in the world right now, the safety of workers, remote workers, in particular, is a big concern. For any employer, it is a big job to keep their remote team safe and productive during these unique times, on top of the challenges of maintaining productivity operations. When it comes to remote workers, managers can spend a lot of time making sure these staff members are safe and are getting their work done. The good news is that…

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Downloadable Resources, General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Downloadable Resources, General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Biological Hazards in the Home for Work From Home Employees

As Canadians continue to spend increased amounts of time at home in light of COVID-19, keeping a clean and safe at-home work environment is more important than ever. Keep in mind that some of the most dangerous hazards are not obvious and may be difficult to see. This article will identify the biological hazards that could be present in your home. It will also suggest techniques to eliminate these risks and preserve your safety while working from home.

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Lone Worker Safety, Downloadable Resources SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety, Downloadable Resources SafetyLine Lone Worker

Developing a Free Lone Worker Program

If an emergency occurs, lone workers rarely have the resources or back-up necessary to safely deal with the situation alone. Situations that involve confrontation, personal injury, or violence, can quickly become serious if immediate help is not available. Many organizations employ staff who are considered to be lone workers. Any adverse situation can become life-threatening if not immediately detected and resolved. This is why every organization should have a check-in system in place to ensure the safety of their people throughout the day, regardless of their location or activity.

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SafetyLine News and Updates SafetyLine Lone Worker SafetyLine News and Updates SafetyLine Lone Worker

SafetyLine’s Business Intelligence Feature with Contact Tracing to Help Combat COVID-19 Spread

With masses of people emerging from quarantine into public places, wary health officials are keeping a close eye on if or how the virus will be transmitted during this extraordinary scenario. Over the past several months, governments and health authorities have encouraged and enforced social distancing from others to stop of the spread of COVID-19. But now that we are slowing the spread through new social practices such as:

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General Safety, Downloadable Resources SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety, Downloadable Resources SafetyLine Lone Worker

Workplace Hazards Series: COVID-19

As governments ease months-long restrictions allowing employees to return to their offices, the new reality is that these places won’t be the same as we left them. The new normal will entail increasingly structured workplaces that are more mindful of potential physical contamination. For the foreseeable future, there will be new routines and procedures that we will need to enforce and become accustomed to, seemingly normal ways of doing things that need to be shifted in order to protect team members from potential infection of the notorious virus.

So how do you address these new workplace hazards and different working environments for your team members?

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General Safety, Downloadable Resources SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety, Downloadable Resources SafetyLine Lone Worker

SafetyLine Lone Worker Return-to-work Plan: COVID-19

Recently, the BC government released its Restart Plan that lists the steps we can take together as we start to return to the “new normal” from the COVID-19 response. In this plan, we are reminded that it has been our commitment to Work From Home and the following recommendations from authorities that have allowed us to slow the growth of this pandemic. While we should congratulate ourselves on our success thus far in flattening the curve in Brtish Columbia, however, we also need to remember that we’re not out of the weeds yet.

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Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Regular Check-ins and Location Tracking During COVID-19: Are Your Workers Safe Right Now?

The COVID-19 virus has impacted millions of lives around world, changing how we shop, affecting how we socialize and perhaps most significantly, transforming how we work. Because of the pandemic, most of us are now working from home and in other remote offices, trying our best to adapt to this very different world…

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

COVID 19: Working from Home Tips From Staff At SafetyLine Lone Worker, Part 3

In continuation of Part 1 and Part 2: Working from Home Tips from Staff at Safetyline Lone Worker, we understand the challenges of working remotely. But since the public quarantine because of COVID-19, all of us truly understand what it’s like to be working at home and sometimes alone.

So we asked our team at SafetyLine ,“What is one tip that you would give someone who is working from home?”

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Remote and Lone Worker Safety During the “New Normal” (COVID-19)

The spread of COVID-19 has forced most Canadian businesses to implement mandatory work-from-home policies. As much of Canada’s workforce navigates the transition of working in an office to working from home, the ability to work remotely is more important more than ever. For many industry sectors, the phenomenon of employees working from home is a novel, and possibly intimidating reality. However, this new reality is here to stay for the foreseeable future. Thus, remote workers and lone workers' safety are more important than ever right now.

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

COVID 19: Working from Home Tips From Staff At SafetyLine Lone Worker, Part 2

In continuation of Part 1, here at Safetyline Lone Worker, we understand the challenges of working remotely. But since the public quarantine because of COVID-19, all of us truly understand what it’s like to be working at home and sometimes alone. So we asked our team at SafetyLine ,“What is one tip that you would give someone who is working from home?”

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

COVID-19: Working from Home Tips From Staff At SafetyLine Lone Worker, Part 1

Here at Safetyline Lone Worker, we understand the challenges of working remotely. But since the public quarantine because of COVID-19, all of us truly understand what it’s like to be working at home and sometimes alone. #WFH

So we asked our team at SafetyLine, “What is one tip that you would give someone who is working from home?” And over the next couple of weeks, we will be posting what our team members said.

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Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

The Importance of Safety Check-ins for Water Utility Companies

What could have prevented these accidents? What could have the workers’ managers done beforehand to possibly prevent these horrible events from happening? While different safety steps could have been taken for each situation, an automated check-in system with fall detection for all of the workers mentioned may have saved their lives or at least lessened the severity of their injuries.

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Is Your Workforce Feeling Stressed Working From Home? Here’s How You Can Mitigate Stress as an Employer

What is stress?

Stress can most simply be defined as our body’s reaction to any environmental change. These reactions can be physical, emotional, or mental. When we think of stress itself, we often think of it as a harmful component of our lives. However, stress can be positive as well, and it’s a normal part of everyone’s life. Positive stress can initiate motivation, desire, and alertness.

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