Featured Resources

Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template

A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.

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Hazard Assessment Guide

In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams

Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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SafetyLine News and Updates SafetyLine Lone Worker SafetyLine News and Updates SafetyLine Lone Worker

Supporting Our Community: How We’re Working for You During COVID-19

As you well know, the COVID-19 pandemic has escalated. Firstly, our thoughts go out to everyone already impacted by the disease. We appreciate all citizens’ and organizations’ efforts to self-isolate and “flatten the curve.” We also want to especially thank the healthcare workers and essential services workers on the front lines making a difference. As a result of your inspiring effort, we are now offering our SafetyLine Lone Worker monitoring service, for the next 3 months to new subscribers:

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Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Are Work From Home Jobs Considered Lone Workers?

To slow the spread of COVID-19, restaurants, bars, and public spaces have closed throughout Canada. Following suit, offices have also shut their doors and implemented mandatory work-from-home policies to support self-isolation and social distancing mandates. For many employers and employees, this is a novel concept that requires significant adjustment. Although the transition for some industries may be seamless, other organizations will face significant challenges along the way. As Canada’s workforce shifts from office to working from home, all companies are faced with a new challenge –how to protect their staff who may now be working remotely or alone.

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Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

The Importance of Self-Care When Social Distancing and Working From Home

When working from home, the line between your personal and professional life can become increasingly blurred, which can make it difficult to “turn off” and relax. To maintain your emotional and physical well-being while practicing social distancing, here are some tips to keep your two worlds balanced while working from home.

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

How to Successfully Manage Your Employees Working Remotely (Working from Home) During the Coronavirus

With today’s far-reaching technology and many online networks, it’s fairly easy to manage people working remotely. Here are some simple tips for doing so:

Always communicate with your team members

Whether it’s in an email, a text, or a quick phone or video call, make sure you communicate your expectations and work priorities clearly and regularly…

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Increase Productivity While Working From Home Office

Due to the spread of COVID-19 throughout the country, most Canadian employers have implemented mandatory work-from-home policies. This standard is widely spreading, making working from home the new norm. A novel concept to many industries, one of the first steps to making the transition to setup a productive work-from-home office.

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Working-from-home Tips During the Coronavirus from SafetyLine Lone Worker

On March 16, 2020, the provincial health officer of British Columbia, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced aggressive measures in response to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, a growing number of business across British Columbia and the country of Canada are opting for working from home to help control the spread of the virus. Dr. Henry also said there were three deaths in BC (from an outbreak at a care home in North Vancouver), bringing the total number of nationwide deaths from the coronavirus to four. More alarmingly…

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SafetyLine News and Updates SafetyLine Lone Worker SafetyLine News and Updates SafetyLine Lone Worker

The Safety Benefits of a Garmin Professional Account and inReach Technology

Have you switched to a Garmin Professional Account? If you haven't done so, you are missing out on some valuable features SafetyLine offers with the Garmin Professional Account. SafetyLine Lone worker is now fully integrated with Garmin Ltd., one of the world’s premier GPS technology companies that has been keeping people connected since 1989.

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Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Lone Worker Risks in the Canadian Forestry Sector

When it comes to our Canadian economy, the forestry industry provides a substantial source of wealth for the country. Our forestry trade balance (the difference between what we import and what we export to international partners) accounts for $19.8 billion of Canada’s GDP, according to the Government of Canada. This is equivalent to about 2% and represents the most substantial forest product trade balance in the world. We have held this position for years, and the gap between Canada and Sweden (the second-largest net trader) has been steadily increasing since 2009.

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Event, General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Event, General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

A Spotlight on Safety in the Entertainment Industry

The local entertainment industry

Vancouver’s entertainment industry saw over 450 productions last year and generated close to $3.4 billion for the local economy. This figure represents a considerable increase from $2.3 billion in 2017. Furthermore, the industry provided jobs for over 60,000 people. BC’s film industry is home to more than 200 producers and over 250 businesses that primarily cater to motion picture production.

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Compliance Policy and Regulations SafetyLine Lone Worker Compliance Policy and Regulations SafetyLine Lone Worker

Complying with Safety Regulations for Lone Workers in Alberta

Many companies who do not provide unique support for their lone workers have a difficult time adhering to working alone legislation. A common assumption is that their safety programs are already acceptable. Furthermore, other businesses might already have distinct programs for employees who work alone but find that their current procedures and policies negatively impact productivity. In this article, we will discuss methods for protecting your lone workers in compliance with legislation in Alberta, Canada.

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Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker Lone Worker Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

2020 Goal Settings: How Your Organization can Best Protect Lone Workers

The statistics regarding workplace injuries and fatalities in Canada are baffling. According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, there were 951 workplace fatalities recorded in 2017 with an additional 251,508 injuries which took place on the job. An employer must manage the safety and health of his or her employees and thus minimize the number of incidents that occur in the workplace. Since safety hazards are amplified when an employee is working in isolation, this article will specifically discuss lone workers and consider ways that an organization can best keep its lone workers safe.

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace

Positive mental health is a necessary component of your physical and emotional prosperity. Considering this, our mental health has a direct impact on what we think, how we act, and how we perceive our surroundings. Furthermore, it primarily affects how we interact with others, how we deal with adversity, and how we arrive at decisions.

How much time do we really spend at work?

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General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker General Safety SafetyLine Lone Worker

Investing in Health and Safety Helps Create a Successful Business

Businesses today are faced with increasingly rigorous health and safety regulations. That is why it’s important to recognize the value of cultivating a safe and productive workplace through comprehensive and reliable health and safety protocols.

Health and safety matters to investors

When an organization takes steps to prevent workplace accidents from occurring, they also protect their bottom line.

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Happy Holidays From SafetyLine Lone Worker

It's no secret that we are all excited to wake up to presents under the Christmas tree. But those presents didn’t just appear; someone delivered them while you were sleeping. Have you ever considered Santa's safety? He is out in the cold all night, working only with the company of his reindeer. Not to mention, he is required to travel to countless unknown locations and enter the homes of strangers. Could Rudolph's nose shine bright enough to signal an emergency, or should Santa consider an alternative safety solution?

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