Featured Resources
Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template
A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.
Hazard Assessment Guide
In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams
Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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SafetyLine Blog Categories
General Safety | Lone Worker Safety | SafetyLine News and Updates | SafetyLine Product Updates | Compliance, Policy, and Regulations | Downloadable Resources |
The Hazards of H2S Gas (hydrogen sulfide)
Workers who are most likely to be exposed to unsafe levels of H2S gas include those employees who are required to work in small or confined spaces with poor ventilation.
Data Usage While Using the SafetyLine Lone Worker App
To use the SafetyLine app on your smartphone, you will need access to WiFi or a data network. But, don’t worry, data while using SafetyLine Lone Worker won’t take much.
Reducing Risks For Retail Lone Workers at Night
If your retail staff is working alone at night, these tips will mitigate their risk and could save their lives.
SafetyLine Lone Worker Trusted in Safety Since 1999
SafetyLine was founded in 1999 by Thomas Touhey. A subsidiary of its parent company, Tsunami Solutions, SafetyLine was founded for the purpose of creating innovative technology solutions to real-world problems. Born from one customer’s need to effectively monitor the safety of their large staff of remote workers, Tsunami designed its signature SafetyLine product to meet this demand.
Are Health and Community Care Workers Classified As Lone Workers?
In the health care industry, employees and patients spend a lot of time alone. Known as “code whites”, it is predicated that violent or potentially violent interactions with patients or clients occur up to 10 times per day.
Hotel Workers on Strike in Vancouver
On September 26th, 2019 over 1000 hotel employees from three major upscale hotels went on strike indefinitely in downtown Vancouver. They are fighting for better pay, improved benefits, and safer working conditions.
Essential Safety Tips for Working at Heights
The prospect of working at heights covers many different industries. Whilst some professions have bigger risk than others, it’s important to be safe no matter what kind of height you might be facing. Taking precautions before working at height can save lives and prevent serious and life-threatening injuries, so being prepared in your line of work is incredibly important.
A Brief History of Labour Day and Safety & Workers Rights in Canada and the USA
Labour Day in Canada is recognized every first Monday of September since the 1880s. In the second half of the 19 century, Canada was changing rapidly with the increase of immigration, cities growing in numbers, and the industrial revolution drastically altering Canada’s economy and workforce.
6 Ways to Prevent Electrical Accidents When Working Alone
Does your job entail you to work with electrical equipment? Then you would understand the importance of practicing electrical safety. When you are working alone, you have to be extra careful so that you don’t find yourself in an electrical emergency. Here are 6 things to follow for electrical safety if you are working alone.
Workplace Safety Hazards for Hospitality & Hotel Workers
Most duties of housekeepers in the hospitality industry are intense and grueling. Hotels today are competitive and offer more amenities to their guest and as a result, in an increase of workload and unseen safety hazards that can lead to an increase of serious workplace injury.
What is Intrinsic Safety?
Intrinsic Safety (IS) is an approach to the design of a safe environment for hazardous areas where flammable gasses, vapors are present in the working environment and ignition can come from a hot surface, or spark from an electronic device.
2019 COS Magazine Readers' Choice Awards
We are excited to share hare that we’ve been chosen to be on the list of companies nominated for the 2019 Canadian Occupation Safety Readers Choice Awards by Thomson Reuters in the category of Lone Worker Monitoring.
Health and Safety Twitter Feeds to Follow for Canadians
We created is a list (in no particular order) of some of the most influential Canadian health and safety twitter feeds to follow in 2019.
Working Alone Perils Faced by Security Officers (Guards) on Construction Sites
Security officers become prime targets for thieves and vandals because of the valuable equipment and materials that can be found on site after hours.
Preparing Yourself for Any Disaster
By creating yourself an emergency grab-and-go bag, you are setting yourself up for any disaster that may arise. The following list is some essentials for a do-it-yourself emergency kit.
Lone Worker Legislation vs Lone Worker Regulation: What’s the Difference?
There has been a lot of time and energy spent on updating the legislation around Lone Workers of the world, particularly over the past 15 years. Australia, Canada, and the UK all have revised and updated language about lone workers at the legislative level.
What Can You Do With a SafetyLine License?
SafetyLine is designed to support flexible workforces, from as few as a handful to hundreds or even thousands of users. For any organization using SafetyLine, they purchase a number of licenses. Typically, one per Lone Worker, but some prefer to buy extra, planning for expansion or for unexpected contingencies.
Strong Provincial Legislation in Canada
In Canada, each province sets their own legislation for health and safety, which often includes provisions for lone workers.
Federal Legislation for Lone Workers in Canada – the Westray Law (formerly Bill C-45)
Canada is peerless when it comes to strong protections for lone workers. Strong legislation passed at both the federal and provincial levels have created an environment where, for the most part, lone workers receive an unparalleled level of attention.
Employee vs. Contractor: How Far Does Your Responsibility Go?
The modern workplace isn’t always fixed to a single location, and often isn’t even a single organization. The role of contractors and subcontractors has grown considerably, with highly-skilled professional occupying roles on a contract-based part-time or provisional basis.