How to determine if you’re a Lone Worker?
Do you know how many workers you have that are defined as “working alone?”
Many companies don’t realize how many of their employees – whether on contract or work full-time – have some aspect of their job where they work alone. Working alone comes with its own unique set of hazards and challenges, so it’s important to be clear on the work alone definition and categories so your company can properly equip your staff with the tools they need to be safe.
Definition of a lone worker:
A worker is considered to be working alone if the worker works by himself or herself at a work site in circumstances where assistance is not readily available when needed.
Different categories of working alone:
Workers who do hazardous work away from the public: such as field service operatives. These workers may be doing checks in well in remote locations, working in confined spaces, or separated from other operatives by physical barriers. The hazards they face may be very high risk when including the fact that assistance may not be readily available.
Workers who travel away from the office and interact with their customers: such as home care workers and social service workers. Employees in these situations may be at a heightened risk of experiencing violence in the workplace when interacting with new clients or be in a vulnerable position during transportation to and from the office.
Workers who travel alone but have no interaction with customers: such as truck drivers. These workers could be at risk of accidents, injury or sudden emergencies that could be dangerous if no response is given.
Workers who handle cash: such as taxi drivers, and gas station attendants. These workers could also be at risk of violence in their workplace, including threats towards their person, robberies, or other dangerous behaviors, that would need an emergency response.
Workers alone at an isolated site: such as security guards. These workers are at risk of violent attack by people or animals because their site is isolated from public view or in a very remote location. They could also be subject to other accidents that would need emergency response.
What type of jobs involve lone working?
Anyone who is alone or isolated at some point when they work can be classified as working alone, meaning that a wide range of job types and positions fall into this category. Even employees that travel in pairs or groups can be defined as lone workers if they’re at risk of an accident that could prevent one or all members of the party from getting help. Some of the jobs commonly associated with people working alone include:
Retail employees
Healthcare and social workers
Truck drivers
Transit employees
Security guards
Forestry workers
Warehouse workers
Custodians and night cleaners
Night shift employees
Employees travelling alone
What risks do lone workers face?
Lone workers face many different risks every day, these can range from trips and falls to hazardous objects. Being aware of these risks can help reduce the chance of injury when working alone.
How do I keep myself safe when working alone?
One of the most important questions a lone worker can ask themselves is “how can I keep myself as safe as possible?” There are many different factors that can affect how safe a lone worker is and it’s important to be aware of what you can do to minimize your risks.