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Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template
A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.
Hazard Assessment Guide
In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams
Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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Building an Effective Workplace Violence Prevention Program
Depending on your industry and local legislation, your workplace violence program may look different from ours, but regardless, there key areas that must be included in a truly effective workplace violence program.
Safe Employees are Productive Employees
Why invest in workplace safety? Employees have the right to a safe and healthy workplace environment. If this is not the case, then workers will be inhibited from performing at their full potential. Productivity and safety go hand in hand. Thus, an organization that invests in safety will be rewarded with more productive employees.
The Big Picture of a Safe Workplace
It is difficult and somewhat complicated to describe what a safe workplace is. However, just because it isn’t easy, that does not mean we should give up on this definition as the safety and wellbeing of our teams and our companies are at a serious stake.
At Safetyline Lone Worker, we have witnessed our partners, clients and even our own team members adapt and evolve to the ever-changing workplace environment
Workplace Hazards Series: COVID-19
As governments ease months-long restrictions allowing employees to return to their offices, the new reality is that these places won’t be the same as we left them. The new normal will entail increasingly structured workplaces that are more mindful of potential physical contamination. For the foreseeable future, there will be new routines and procedures that we will need to enforce and become accustomed to, seemingly normal ways of doing things that need to be shifted in order to protect team members from potential infection of the notorious virus.
So how do you address these new workplace hazards and different working environments for your team members?
The Safety Benefits of a Garmin Professional Account and inReach Technology
Have you switched to a Garmin Professional Account? If you haven't done so, you are missing out on some valuable features SafetyLine offers with the Garmin Professional Account. SafetyLine Lone worker is now fully integrated with Garmin Ltd., one of the world’s premier GPS technology companies that has been keeping people connected since 1989.
How to Get Results From Your Safety Audits
If you’re committed to safety in your workplace, it’s important to constantly revise your safety policies. The best way to ensure that your safety policies are effective is with a safety audit. In this article, we’ll review why audits are important to your company’s safety plans, and how you can successfully audit your workplace for safety.
The Workplace Benefits of First Aid Training
Not every job is dangerous, but every employer is responsible for the safety of their employees in the workplace. One of the best ways for employers to meet their legal and moral obligations to their employees is to provide first aid training to employees. Having employees trained provides benefits that aren’t always obvious.
Beat the Heat!
When summertime rolls around, it’s easy to forget that even the clearest weather and sunshine can create hazards when working outdoors. If you find yourself working alone outside, you’ll need to take extra precautions as any potential problems are made worse when you’re away from help.
5 Steps for Improving Your Hazard Assessments
With the criminal code in Canada revised to make companies or individuals criminally liable for not taking safety precautions, it is more important than ever to be aware of hazards in the workplace and to be scrupulous about hazard assessments. Don't risk unnecessary prosecution - here are 5 steps you can take to ensure your workplace hazard assessment is as comprehensive as possible.
Office Safety: Designing a Safe and Functional Office
Ergonomic hazards can not only affect the worker: the employer can suffer slower productivity, lower morale in staff, and higher disability and insurance claims.
5 Tips to Claim Your Workers Compensation
When you work for someone, you and your employer agree that you will receive wage replacement and medical benefits if an injury happens. In return, you give up your right to sue your employer for any negligence in the workplace. Workers' Compensation is something that is mandatory for every employee and here are some tips for how to claim it.
5 Safety Tips for Retailers Working Alone
Retail workers when they are working alone are classified under the work alone definition set by the Canadian government. Unlike typical retail workers, they face a unique and increased set of safety hazards that typical retail workers do not experience, including accidents without immediate aid, and being subjected to threats or even violence.
The Myth of Fleet Management Safety
Depending on the priorities of the company and the industry they are in, fleet management and lone worker monitoring systems are two important services that organizations should consider. However, many companies don’t realize the difference between a fleet management system and a lone worker monitoring system. This article will help you learn about those differences to help you decide what is best for your organization.
Keep Safety Simple: The Three Rs of Workplace Safety Monitoring
If you’ve done your homework, you know that there are a lot of considerations when it comes to safety monitoring in the workplace. You have to think about your employees, your equipment, your workplace, and the list goes on. In this article we’ll look at how you can keep safety simple, with the Three R’s of Workplace Safety Monitoring: Report, Respond, and Review.
Responding to Emergencies in the Workplace
When it comes time to respond during an emergency, knowing what steps to take can be crucial. If an emergency happens in the workplace, it could be your responsibility to provide help. In this article, we’ll look at some of the ways you can help your employees during an emergency.
History of Workplace Safety
To know where you’re going, you need to know where you’ve been. People spend a lot of time on current trends in the workplace, but don’t often look back at how work has evolved. One area that doesn’t get enough attention is the history of workplace safety. In this post, we’ll look at how safety has improved over time to appreciate just how far we’ve come.
How To Ensure Your Workers are Sober and Safe
When a lone worker is intoxicated, the risk related to their job is exacerbated by their altered state of mind, and that can lead to dire consequences. Here to speak to SafetyLine about the issue of drug use in the workplace is harm reduction advocate Gareth Crawford from the Vancouver organization Karmik.