Featured Resources
Lone Worker Policy Guide and Template
A lone worker policy is an effective way to ensure that your lone workers are well-educated on your company’s work-alone rules and have extensive knowledge of all workplace hazards that could be encountered on the job.
Hazard Assessment Guide
In the process of doing a hazard assessment for your workplace, it is almost a certainty you’ll learn information about the operational aspects of your organization you were unaware of before the assessment.
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Develop a Free Lone Worker Program for Small Teams
Developing a free lone worker check-in system is a simple process for small teams that any organization can implement.
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General Safety | Lone Worker Safety | SafetyLine News and Updates | SafetyLine Product Updates | Compliance, Policy, and Regulations | Downloadable Resources |
Developing a Free Lone Worker Program
If an emergency occurs, lone workers rarely have the resources or back-up necessary to safely deal with the situation alone. Situations that involve confrontation, personal injury, or violence, can quickly become serious if immediate help is not available. Many organizations employ staff who are considered to be lone workers. Any adverse situation can become life-threatening if not immediately detected and resolved. This is why every organization should have a check-in system in place to ensure the safety of their people throughout the day, regardless of their location or activity.
Supporting Our Community: How We’re Working for You During COVID-19
As you well know, the COVID-19 pandemic has escalated. Firstly, our thoughts go out to everyone already impacted by the disease. We appreciate all citizens’ and organizations’ efforts to self-isolate and “flatten the curve.” We also want to especially thank the healthcare workers and essential services workers on the front lines making a difference. As a result of your inspiring effort, we are now offering our SafetyLine Lone Worker monitoring service, for the next 3 months to new subscribers:
What is Intrinsic Safety?
Intrinsic Safety (IS) is an approach to the design of a safe environment for hazardous areas where flammable gasses, vapors are present in the working environment and ignition can come from a hot surface, or spark from an electronic device.